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MySql to Snowflake

Now we know the basics, lets make something more useful.

For brevity the full connections YAML is included below for you to copy and replace your keys. However, we will be quite thorough to make sure each step is clear.

In this example, I need to take two tables ['clients', 'sales'] from our production MySql (replace with your favourite RDBMS) to Snowflake (replace with your favourite cloud DWH). Sample data for MySQL is included at the bottom.

We are going to load our data into a VARIANT field in Snowflake as this pattern is very fault tolerant.


You can run a MySQL instance in docker with:

docker run --name typhoon-example-mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw -e MYSQL_USER=typhoon -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=typhoon -e MYSQL_DATABASE=prod_web_ecom -d -p "3306:3306" mysql

docker exec typhoon-example-mysql mysql --user typhoon -ptyphoon --database=prod_web_ecom -e "CREATE TABLE clients (name text, age integer)"
docker exec typhoon-example-mysql mysql --user typhoon -ptyphoon --database=prod_web_ecom -e "INSERT INTO clients(name, age) VALUES ('Tom', 27), ('Mary', 25)"

docker exec typhoon-example-mysql mysql --user typhoon -ptyphoon --database=prod_web_ecom -e "CREATE TABLE sales (item text, amount integer)"
docker exec typhoon-example-mysql mysql --user typhoon -ptyphoon --database=prod_web_ecom -e "INSERT INTO sales(item, amount) VALUES ('Phone', 600), ('Camera', 125)"

Overview of what we want to do:

  1. List the tables from Typhoon variables.
  2. Extract each table from MySQL
  3. Write each table to S3 in JSON
    1. Creating a function to output to JSON
    2. Switching our connection to S3
  4. Copy the files into snowflake

DAG: list_tablesextract_tableswrite_data_S3copy_to_snowflake_stage

We will learn how to sample and test the flows as we build. Here is the final expected output:

name: dwh_flow
schedule_interval: rate(1 hours)
granularity: hour

    function: typhoon.flow_control.branch
        - clients
        - sales

    input: list_tables
    function: typhoon.relational.execute_query
      hook: !Hook transaction_db
      batch_size: 10
        interval_start: !Py $DAG_CONTEXT.interval_start
        interval_end: !Py $DAG_CONTEXT.interval_end
        table_name: !Py $BATCH
      query: !MultiStep
        - !Py table_name=$BATCH
        - !Py f"SELECT * FROM {table_name} where creation_timestamp between %(interval_start)s and %(interval_end)s"

    input: extract_tables
    function: typhoon.filesystem.write_data
      hook: !Py $HOOK.data_lake
      data: !Py$BATCH.batch), $BATCH.columns)
      path: !Py f"data_{$BATCH.metadata['table_name']}_batch_num_" + str($BATCH_NUM) + "_" + str($DAG_CONTEXT.interval_end).replace(":", "_") + ".json"
      metadata: !Py $BATCH.metadata

    input: write_data_S3
    function: typhoon.snowflake.copy_into
      hook: !Py $HOOK.snowflake
      table: !Py $BATCH.metadata['table_name']
      stage_name: stagetestcorpdatalake
      s3_path: ''

Lets create a file in the /my_project_root/dags folder called dwh_flow.yml .


name: dwh_flow
schedule_interval: rate(1 hours)
add granularity: hour

    function: typhoon.flow_control.branch
        - clients
        - sales

    input: list_tables
    function: typhoon.debug.echo
      mydata: !Py $BATCH

Life is simple when you only have two tables - if only!

Let's extract these hourly. We will improve this with variables later.

Let's run typhoon status and run it:

typhoon dag run --dag-name dwh_flow

typhoon cli run_1

You can see we are simply outputting the tables in the list.

Extracting from MySQL

    input: list_tables
    function: typhoon.relational.execute_query
      hook: !Py $HOOK.transaction_db
      batch_size: 10
        table_name: !Py $BATCH
      query: !Py "SELECT * FROM {table_name}".format(table_name=$BATCH)

Ok, here there are a few things going on:

  1. We are applying relational.execute_query on each table to query on our $HOOK.transaction_db connection. This is pointing to our MySQL database that records our customer transactions.
  2. We are saving the table names for use downstream in the flow in our metadata dictionary.
  3. We are formatting our query using normal python. Again, later in this tutorial we will use Variables to store our dynamic SQL.

Ok, so we will output the whole table each hour. Perhaps not so smart, so lets add something more reasonable.

    input: list_tables
    function: typhoon.relational.execute_query
      hook: !Hook echodb
      batch_size: 10
        interval_start: !Py $DAG_CONTEXT.interval_start
        interval_end: !Py $DAG_CONTEXT.interval_end
        table_name: !Py $BATCH
      query: !MultiStep
        - !Py table_name=$BATCH
        - !Py f"SELECT * FROM {table_name} where creation_timestamp between %(interval_start)s and %(interval_end)s"

Here we are making two changes. The obvious one is to apply the $DAG_CONTEXT.interval_start and $DAG_CONTEXT.interval_end as query parameters in the query (note its MySQL paramstyle). This means we will pull those transactions created within the hour interval. Much more sensible!

Note: you could of course treat this like the table as a string format (but not the other way around; you cannot use query parameters for the table or schema).

The second thing is we are temporarily using a new hook: echodb. This is similar to our echo task but will show us the sql that would be passed to MySQL. We need to add the connection (make sure its in the connection.yml which is available to copy at the bottom).

typhoon connection add --conn-id echodb --conn-env local

typhoon cli run_2

Looks correct SQL.

Remember to change your hook back to hook: !Py $HOOK.transaction_db

Lets add our Mysql hook and run to an echo task:

typhoon connection add --conn-id transaction_db --conn-env prod

Because we are developing we might want to select a specific execution date:

typhoon status

typhoon dag run --dag-name dwh_flow --execution-date 2021-05-20T14:00:00

typhoon cli run_3

Our (faked) data from the MySql echoed

Do so now its outputting our selected tables within the time interval in batches of 10 rows (of course you would raise this). Next lets land this in files to S3.

Write each table to S3 in JSON

    input: extract_tables
    function: typhoon.filesystem.write_data
      hook: !Py $HOOK.data_lake
      data: !Py $BATCH.batch
      path: !Py f"data_{$BATCH.metadata['table_name']}_batch_num_" + str($BATCH_NUM) + "_" + str($DAG_CONTEXT.ts).replace(":", "_") + ".json"
      metadata: !Py $BATCH.metadata

Ok, now its starting to look familiar (I hope).

Our function filesystem.write_data will write to a filesystem. Notice this is the same connection YAML used in hello_world. All our functions, connections and components are re-usable. Lets start with the local environment to test it to a local filepath.

typhoon connection add --conn-id data_lake --conn-env local

Running this we should now see the following (see the connection for where this will land):

typhoon cli run_4

So we must transform the data to bytes. In fact we need to write it into JSON so that we can use Snowflake's VARIANT column for ingestion. We strongly recommend this pattern. We are passing this function data from the extract_tables task above. MySQL outputs some tuples so we need a transformation function that will turn these tuples into JSON (1 JSON object per row).

(Optional) reating a function to output to JSON


This step is optional as it already is included in typhoon. So its only to illustrate how to roll your own function.

So, let's make our own function for this. In the transformations folder we can add function to the data file (or you can make a new one):

typhoon cli run_5

Typhoon is easily extensible.

from io import StringIO, BytesIO
from typing import Union
import simplejson as json

def list_of_tuples_to_json(data: Union[list], field_names: list):    
    list_of_dicts = [dict(zip(field_names, tup)) for tup in data]
    d_out = BytesIO()
    for d in list_of_dicts:
        d_out.write(json.dumps(d, cls=TestEncoder, namedtuple_as_object=True).encode())
    return d_out

Then we can call this in the DAG by replacing data with:

data: !Py$BATCH.batch), $BATCH.columns)

So now, before we write to the file we are transforming our tuples to return rows of json doc as bytes.

Building and running the DAG now gives us:

typhoon cli run_6

So lets see how we can debug the Python code directly. One key advantage of developing in Typhoon is that the YAML compiles to very readable, normal python functions. You can debug in an IDE of your choice as normal or run from prompt.

typhoon cli run_7

Building a DAG compiles to the 'out' folder

Note that we can set the example task to debug with in For example here we are setting a test execution date. by altering the example_event datetime.

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import os

    example_event = {
        'time': '2021-05-20T14:00:00Z'
    example_event_task = {
        'type': 'task',
        'dag_name': '',
        'task_name': 'list_tables_branches',
        'trigger': 'dag',
        'attempt': 1,
        'args': [],
        'kwargs': {
            'dag_context': DagContext.from_cron_and_event_time(
                schedule_interval='rate(1 hours)',

    dwh_flow_main(example_event, None)

We can find the point in the code that is relevant for our JSON

config['data'] =, batch.columns)

So you can develop your function to correctly encode the datetime:

from io import StringIO, BytesIO
from typing import Union
import pandas as pd
import simplejson as json
from datetime import datetime

class DateTimeEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
    def default(self, obj):
        if hasattr(obj, 'isoformat'):
            return obj.isoformat()
            return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)

def list_of_tuples_to_json(data: Union[list], field_names: list):
    list_of_dicts = [dict(zip(field_names, tup)) for tup in data]
    d_out = BytesIO()
    for d in list_of_dicts:
        d_out.write(json.dumps(d, cls=DateTimeEncoder, namedtuple_as_object=True).encode())
    return d_out

Then we should add this to our YAML:

data: !Py$BATCH.batch), $BATCH.columns)

This is passing $BATCH.batch and the $BATCH.columns to this function that we will add. It is very simply transforming tuples from the resultset to JSON using our new function above.

Now if we run it again, either in the cli or the directly we should get an output to our local filesystem like:

typhoon cli run_8

Our (fake) data exported as JSON in batches of 10 rows

Switching to S3

The final step of this section is to switch the connection to our S3 bucket (i.e. production):

typhoon connection add --conn-id data_lake --conn-env prod

When we re-run the DAG we will see the results are now landing in S3 (see YAML connections at end of this for hints on getting the connection right).

typhoon cli run_9

And in the bucket :

typhoon cli run_10

Copy data to Snowflake

Ok, now for the final step - we need to upload these files to snowflake. To prepare snowflake to receive from S3 you need to set up an S3 Stage ( See Snowflake docs).

Let's add our final task to the DAG YAML:

    input: write_data_S3
    function: typhoon.snowflake.copy_into
      hook: !Py $HOOK.snowflake
      table: !Py $BATCH.metadata['table_name']
      stage_name: stagetestcorpdatalake
      s3_path: ''

Before we run it we need to create our staging tables. We are using a VARIANT loading field to land the data:

    data_var variant,
    etl_id varchar(100),
    etl_timestamp datetime,
    etl_filename varchar(100)

    data_var variant,
    etl_id varchar(100),
    etl_timestamp datetime,
    etl_filename varchar(100)

We need to add our connection (see YAML at the end for the connection):

typhoon connection add --conn-id snowflake --conn-env prod

typhoon dag run --dag-name dwh_flow --execution-date 2021-05-20T14:00:00

... and we have data in Snowflake!

typhoon cli run_11

Some potential optimisations

  • We are running COPY for each file we land. This isn't optimal, even though snowflake is protecting against duplicating the data. We can tackle this chaining together DAGS by writing a 'success file' .
  • Listing tables in a variable
  • More templating
  • Creating a Component!

We will cover these in other blogs. For now...well done you made it!

Helper Assets

YAML connections

    conn_type: echo

    conn_type: echodb
    schema: main

    conn_type: s3
      base_path: /
      bucket: your-bucket-here
      region_name: your-region-here
      login: SECRETLOGIN
      passowrd: SECRETKEY

    conn_type: local_storage
      base_path: /tmp/data_lake

    conn_type: sqlite
    schema: main
      database: /tmp/web_trans_local.db
    conn_type: sqlalchemy
    login: your-login-name
    password: your-password
    host: localhost
    port: 3306
    schema: prod_web_ecom
      dialect: mysql
      driver: mysqldb
      database: prod_web_ecom

    conn_type: snowflake
    login: your-login
    password: your-password
    schema: staging
      account: your-account
      region: your-region
      database: your-db
      warehouse: WAREHOUSE_NAME
      role: your-role

Mock data

Sample MySQL