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Inline python

Typhoon lets you run inline pytnon either in one line !Py print('Normal python here') or in multiple lines with !Multistep.


This lets you evaluate any python quickly, for example to use pandas or a transformation function.

For example here we are using it to pass the first element of the $BATCH and also to use teh path_mapping regex transformation.

    input: read_csv_to_df
    function: functions.pandas_data_helpers.df_write
      hook: !Hook transaction_db
      df: !Py $BATCH[0]
      table_name: !Py transformations.path_mapping.to_regex_name($BATCH[1])


Sometimes you want to put a few lines in the DAG without making a function for it. You can create powerfull transformations in series in a nice readable way.

In this example we are evaluating each !Py line in the YAML list and referencing the result of the 1st in the second with $1 (subsequent lines are $2, $3 etc.).

The result is flattening the response $BATCH data and then outputting as csv to the path that is prefixed with the start timestamp.

    input: exchange_rate
    function: typhoon.filesystem.write_data
      hook: !Hook echo
      data: !MultiStep
        - !Py transformations.xr.flatten_response($BATCH)
        - !Py$1, delimiter='|')
      path: !Py f'{$DAG_CONTEXT.interval_start.isoformat()}_xr_data.csv'

Another example...

    input: send_data
    function: typhoon.filesystem.write_data
      hook: !Hook data_lake
      path: !MultiStep
        - !Py $BATCH['filename']
        - !Py $DAG_CONTEXT.interval_end
        - !Py f'/store/{$2}/{$1}'
      data: !Py $BATCH['contents']
      create_intermediate_dirs: True

  1. !Py $BATCH['filename'] will evaluate to "users.txt' (for example).
  2. !Py $DAG_CONTEXT.interval_end will evaluate to the timestamp of the DAG run. This is a built in context variable.
  3. !Py f'/store/{$2}/{$1}' finally this references the first two lines (1, 2) and uses a normal Python f-string to make the path. Evaluating to '/store/ 2021-03-13T12:00:00/users.txt'